

Kids and Teen Classes

Based on the principals and concepts of Bruce Lee, Jeet Kune Do works on speed, balance, agility and body movements to boost self confidence, character and leadership skills. 

In this class your child will learn FUNdamentals in Kali (Filipino stick fighting), kickboxing, wrestling, Silat (Indonesian art focused on takedowns) and Brazilian jiu-jitsu. The main goal is to teach your child in a fun way while they learn the fundamentals of the different martial arts. Along the way they will learn techniques and gain a life long enjoyment of martial arts that will follow them through their lives.

Due to COVID lessons are by appointment only.


Private Instruction

This is your time. We will work on any discipline that you would like to improve on. Kickboxing, Silat, Kali, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, MMA or self defense. The choice is yours.


Group Seminars

Much like private instruction, group seminars topics can cover a variety of things. Many martial arts schools pick topics that are relatable to the type of training that they do there. The other option is a Self defense class. We cover concepts of how to be safe when someone is being agressive towards you, and as far as defensive tactics when dealing with a weapon. This is perfect for corporate, church or any mid sized organization. Venues can vary to your needs.


8 Week Self Defense course

This program is designed for those who are looking for more than a short self defense course but don't have the time for a full commitment of joining a martial arts school. Each class builds on the previous one. It’s scheduled much like private instruction, meaning its flexible to your schedule. Each class is 1 hour long and runs for 8 sessions. We cover basic kickboxing and Jiu Jitsu as a means to escape. We also cover knife defense as well. At the end of the course, it is my goal that you have a basic understanding of how to deal with a bad situation and more importantly, how to avoid them in the first place.

Contact us to schedule this class! Enrollment of a training partner is encouraged. Maximum four participants at the GHS studio.


Personal Training

Inspired by the concepts and fundamentals of Martial arts, we combine weight training and movements to help you achieve your fitness goals. As you progress through your sessions, you will find that you will increase your balance, speed and agility. This is due to mixing in martial arts in with your training.

Kupuna Training

A common definition of Kupuna in Hawaiian means honored elder. To honor our active senior citizens, we have special sessions focusing on their need for awareness, balance and stability. Our Kupuna training sessions utilize martial arts movements and techniques to keep our seniors healthy in the mind and body. The activities are designed to be engaging and mostly focus on balance, coordination and keeping the mind sharp. Training sessions cater to the needs of the client and incorporate skill sets from various martial arts. This might include Filipino double stick drills that activate the mind by using both the right and left sides of the body or light kickboxing rounds for cardiovascular health.


Be Home Safe

Coming Soon…..

This program will be aimed for parents of aggressive special need children. My goal here is to give these parents a way to control their child so that both parents and child are save, and parents can feel safe in their own home.

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